Benefits of Officiating
The Third Team : Officiating is a perfect way to stay actively involved in the game and enjoy great camaraderie. The officiating community is the “third team” on the field and through officiating you can develop friendships and connections with others committed to the game.
Give Back To The Game : Officials are important ambassadors for the sport and you will develop and be able to share your knowledge and perspective of the game and can make a difference in its future.
Stay Fit : Officials are right in the action of the game with the players. Officiating is a great way to stay in shape and get some exercise. Schedules are flexible as many games and times are offered and you can work as many or as little as your schedule permits.
Learn A New Sport : If you’ve experienced officiating other sports, you can easily transition those experiences to the fastest game on two feet. There is a world of opportunity to grow and develop as a lacrosse official.
Make a Few Dollars : Officiating also allows you to supplement your income with a few extra dollars. Officials at all levels of competition are compensated for officiating contests.

Executive Board Members

Todd Schaeffer
Collegiate Select Official / President
10 Seasons officiating Lacrosse. After several years of basketball officiating and having a daughter that loved lacrosse. They started officiating lacrosse together to keep her involved during the school season since her high school did not have a team.
He is a certified Trainer/Observer for USA Lacrosse.
Sydney Gray
Collegiate Official / Vice President
This will be Sydney's 6th season officiating. She started officiating her senior year of college because I could not commit to coaching due to my lacrosse schedule. She decided to become an official because Lauren convinced her to try it and she fell in love with it. She has completed a couple of clinics. The thing She loves most about officiating is it keeps her involved with the game and she gets to meet people from all who are willing to help her learn and help grow her officiating knowledge.

Kevin Watrous
Collegiate Official / Finance
Kevin has been officiating for 10 seasons. Kevin always has the best questions! He continues his growth of knowledge of the game representing Michigan lacrosse around the country! Kevin has been on the executive board for 6 seasons.

Ry Rodriguez
L3 / Secretary
Ry is an active member in the sport of woman's lacrosse. After having more than five years of officiating, he also coaches the club program at Ferris State University. Ry has also helped out the Dewitt Lacrosse program and other summer programs so they could understand what officials are calling and get a better understanding of the game. If you have questions about the game and/or want to become an official, do not be afraid to reach out to him!
Sierra Bain
CWLOA Transitional/Rating Chair
Anne Acluche
Collegiate Select Official / Recruiting Chair
Anne started officiating in 1999, that’s when there were only 9 officials in Michigan! She helped organize the first Michigan US Lacrosse women’s officials group. Anne received my District rating in 2002, took a few years off and had 2 children and started officiating again in 2009 and renewed her district that year. She is now a Collegiate Select Official. She has work youth games all the way up to NCAA division 1 games. Annes goal is to recruit and retain as many young officials as possible right now. Also, to work as many youth games with high school officials to grow the officiating world
Marty Kolka
Collegiate Select Official / General Board Member
A 10 year Official
Brian Mishler
Collegiate Select Official / Training Chair (West Michigan)
A 10 year lacrosse official Brian also officiates football and basketball. Being a teacher for the Portland School District organizing trainings falls right in his wheelhouse.